
Backyard monsters unleashed wiki
Backyard monsters unleashed wiki


For this reason, the demo also includes some emulator detection (which most current emulators don't trigger, but it was fairly accurate at the time.)

backyard monsters unleashed wiki

  • This trick requires cycle-perfect emulation in order to not break.
  • This also allows to perform hardware scaling, which is combined with rapidly changing the color palette to produce the 3D checkerboard that makes up the first part of the demo. While parallax is fairly common in 2D games, this demo pulls off vertical parallax, which is unheard of on most systems, especially 8-bit and 16-bit consoles.
  • Demotronic is a Game Boy Color demo that features parallax scrolling.
  • Brain Waves is the same size but focuses on the visual effects rather than the music, in 256 bytes on the Pentagon (a variation on the Spectrum 128k).
  • Why is that genius programming? The whole thing is 256 bytes, a quarter of 1kb-that's less data than this explanation took up.
  • A Mind Is Born is a demo that displays a pulsing screen of corrupt images while playing a techno-style tune lasting about 2 minutes.
  • Due to their experience with procedural generation, many demoscene programmers were hired to work on Spore.
  • It's so very specifically tailored to the IBM PC's exact hardware and quirks that no emulator exists that can run it without crashing.


  • 8088 MPH is a demo that does 1024 colors, polygon rendering, 4 channel music with a one channel beeper and other things that the original IBM PC with a CGA card (on a composite monitor) should not be doing.
  • While some cutbacks to the graphics and music quality were made, the demo was squished into four kilobytes - that's 16x less than the original.
  • Chaos Theory, by Conspiracy, which took the 64k approach but with graphics about on par with modern games.
  • This goes as far as including the fully voiced FMV Bad Apple!! Note that to squeeze as much performance as possible, each video is actually compiled into its own player program, which essentially constantly rewrites the computer's video buffer.
  • 8088 Domination takes this up to eleven by increasing the resolution, number of colors, and framerate.
  • For those that don't know their computer history, the 8088 is a 16-bit processor, but it's crippled to an 8-bit data bus.
  • The 8088 Corruption, a demo that runs "video" at 60 frames per second and impressive digital audio, on an old IBM PC, using the Intel 8088 flavor of processor.
  • Needs rather meatier hardware to run than the aforementioned State Of The Art, but the real-time lensing and fluid effects near the end will blow your mind.
  • Tint (possibly NSFW due to a second or two of boobies) by The Black Lotus.
  • The fluidity is all the more impressive when you remember that the demo is constantly loading new data in from the floppy drive while displaying all that animation. The YouTube video really doesn't do justice to how impressive it is to watch this thing running on a 16-bit machine with 1 megabyte of RAM, a 7 MHz processor and an 880K floppy drive for storage. These guys have a lot more stuff, available here. kkrieger, an interactive shooter game with Doom 3-tier graphics - which fits in the same 64 kilobytes. Not content with having redefined the standards for demos, later on they developed. product, the first 64k demo with really impressive graphics (for the time).

    backyard monsters unleashed wiki

    Farbrausch is a widely known crew that attained massive fame for fr-08.For reference, that's 3.5 seconds of portable-quality compressed music, and you could fit it twenty-two times in a "modern" 3.5" floppy disk and almost eleven thousand times in a CD-ROM.


    Hence a division in categories, one of the most famous and prestigious being "64k" - that is, demos whose entire code and resources fit in sixty-four kilobytes.

    backyard monsters unleashed wiki

    Modern hardware obviously doesn't have these limitations, but the Demoscene crowd decided it wasn't fun to do what game developers were already doing (that is, 3D eye candy using gigs and gigs of textures and 3D models), so they enacted self-imposed limits - often harsher than those they originally had to deal with.

    backyard monsters unleashed wiki

    The Demoscene is Genius Programming pretty much by definition, as it was born in an age when computers were dramatically limited in their capabilities, and its entire goal was to exploit available hardware to the highest degree possible - often way beyond what the original designers had envisaged.

    Backyard monsters unleashed wiki